The application is pretty simple, with the only question being:
"What makes your child one of the most talented kid chefs in the country? Please list any notable experience."All other information is contact information, a photo of the child, a photo of the parent/guardian, and any video links (if applicable). Here is a link to the application on the casting site.
I actually got a lot of emails from parents asking how to get their kids on the show when the first season was airing last year. So now, here is your chance. The deadline to apply is April 18th, 2014.
There is no information about the prize, but last year, it was a web series on the Food Network site for the winner. Last year's winner, Brandon filmed 3 web episodes, which most people probably didn't see. Hopefully they change the prize and offer some scholarship money or something.
Look for the second season to air some time during the summer.
I actually really liked this Rachel v. Guy spin-off. The kids were really talented cooks and a lot braver in the kitchen than some adults I know. It was fun and I'm glad they're doing it again.
ReplyDeleteCan't stand Fieri or Rachael Ray in general, but I also enjoyed the past kids' segment and will look forward to this.
ReplyDeleteCole should have won. Brandon was a good cook and knows how to mug for the camera, but he's too young.
ReplyDeleteToo bad nobody flipped a pan full of hot grease on anybody.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for them either Judy. They are so overexposed and Guy's 'act' is so old. I tried to watch this last time but couldn't get past Guy and Rachael. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
ReplyDeleteI love watching the kids on this show!
ReplyDeleteThe kid thing has a weird child labor law/stage parent thing that bothers me. I forgot the name of the boy with sandy hair who was on last year. I saw him on a commercial last week.
ReplyDeleteHe was not cooking, he is a child actor.
All the antics are staged, it is all scripted, I would not be surprised if there are adult cooks actually doing 99% of the cooking, and as soon as the camera pans away from a kid, the kid backs off and the cook takes over.
ReplyDeleteMore Thai, less Italian.
ReplyDeleteThanks for getting rid of the survey question thingy.
ReplyDeleteI apologize. I mixed up Master Chef jr. With this show! The kid I was discussing was on the other show. Regardless, there is something amiss when we have 2 shows showing kids doing adult jobs on 2 networks at the same time.
ReplyDeletePlease explain to me how cooking is exclusively an "adult" job? I let my kids help out in the kitchen all the time! If you expose your kids to food/cooking they become less picky eaters.
ReplyDeleteIt's the culinary version of Toddlers and Tiaras.
ReplyDeleteCooking is an "adult" job. Cooking WITH your child who is not being paid or being judged is vastly different. Please explain to me what your definition of an adult job is. I think that is where we differ.
ReplyDeleteSteve seems like a nice sincere guy. I hope he does well.
ReplyDeleteI see this as a competition, not a job. They're not getting paid, and they're going for a prize. Kids compete in sports competitions all the time and are judged on that.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about the location. They are on the north side of I-10, where the closest neighbors are an amusement mark, a strip mall, a small medical center. It's just not easy to get to. If I really want BBQ, I'll just go to the original in Mentone.
ReplyDeletei agree, but does anyone expect HLN to come up with a child carpenter or child home repair show? You can be injured seriously in cooking too.
ReplyDeleteSeems like so many of the restaurants have closed, once you check back on their progress. I know Irvine's heart is in the right place, but location is one thing you can fix through a menu and decor makeover.
ReplyDeleteKids are more likely to be seriously injured playing sports, particularly when skateboarding or playing football.
ReplyDeleteThe location may be part of the problem, but food quality and attention to detail are the major problems that I see. The food actually got worse after the RI filming. We won't be back. I'd be surprised not to see this restaurant on the "closed" list in six months, if things don't change.
ReplyDeleteI knew it was here but being in a bus all the time i couldnt go when i was on layovers. I am litterally at Mill Creek ( withthe bus at the waterpark lol) with a seriously good pulled pork sandwich that is moist and tasty, and the chicken & turkey chili has enough kick to please. I told them i hoep i get to have trips to the waterpark more often cos i will be here looking forward to some good food
ReplyDeleteCan I go on the show? I really want to. I don't know nothin fancy though.
ReplyDeleteWent there June 2013 soon after episode aired. Apparently a Carraba's had recently opened almost next door with it's bigger and brighter sign. It was a bit slow on a Tuesday, but the food and service were excellent and the decor was very nice as seen on the show. The dad was there and said Robert Irvine was "the nicest" and he was thankful for his help. I was sad to hear that that they couldn't last. Darn Carraba's.
ReplyDeleteI really want to be on this show but i don't think i have enough practice. What do i do!!!!!!